Does Laser Hair Removal Have Side-Effects? Ask the Experts

Although laser hair removal is there since the 90s, it is now more popular than ever. It’s one of the reasons why content on the benefits of laser hair removal have become widespread on platforms like YouTube and Facebook. However, questions about its side effects are equally prevalent on social platforms. So if you are on the fence, trying to decide between laser hair removal and other options, this post may help you make an informed choice.

Yes, there’s a lot to consider. Until and unless you go through the benefits and find out if there are any side effects, you won’t be able to make an informed decision.

However, before diving deep into the nitty-gritty of laser hair removal, let’s first know the reasons behind the excessive growth of hair in females. 

Causes of excessive hair growth in females

Excessive hair growth or Hirsutism is a condition of growth of dark, thick hair on the face, neck, chest, hips, and thighs. If you have this condition, it may have been caused by a medical condition that can be cured with treatment. A common cause for such a condition is polycystic ovary syndrome. Though the exact cause of this syndrome is still not known, it is thought to be associated with abnormal hormone levels.

In case, you have finer or lighter hair on your body, it may not be hirsutism.

Can body hair grow again after laser hair removal?

In several scenarios, it has been observed that hair keeps growing even after laser hair removal. Such cases are rare but it happens when your ovary releases increased amounts of testosterone (male hormone) in the body. Consequently, this hormone stimulates the dormant roots of the hairs which are yet to be grown into hair and hence, fresh hair growth can be seen on the skin.

People who are not aware of this condition, opt for temporary methods of body hair removal like waxing, tweezing, shaving, threading or others. Since these methods are aimed at damaging the hair roots, the body perceives it as an injury which leads to the formation of pigments on the skin. This pigmentation goes on increasing with repeated waxing and threading time after time. That is why laser hair removal is considered a long-lasting solution to body hair removal as it reduces the body hair growth to a great extent and reduces the already grown hair massively.

On the other hand, if you have unwanted hair growth anywhere on the body, it can happen for genetic reasons. In cases, when there is no hormonal imbalance or medication side effects, the best solution is to get laser hair removal done to get a permanent result. If you have the same type of hair problem and searching for the best laser hair removal in Faridabad, book an appointment at Twachaa by Saraswat and get permanent hair reduction.

Is laser hair removal painful?

Compared to other hair reduction solutions, laser hair reduction can be hardly called a painful process. However, when the hair is thick and dark then it requires a lot of energy and the person may feel a slight pin prick-like sensation. Generally, most people are comfortable with laser hair reduction because it is the best modern hair removal solution compared to waxing, threading, tweezing, and others. For those who have sensitive skin or when hair reduction is done on sensitive skin areas, Prilox cream is used to numb the area. Overall, it is a comfortable hair reduction solution that helps you get rid of unwanted body hair without having to go through any hassle.

How does laser hair removal work in hair reduction?

It needs to be understood that there are three stages of the hair growth cycle:

  • Anagen (Growth phase)
  • Catagen (Transition phase)
  • Telogen (Rest phase)

If the hair root is not in the early Anagen phase, laser treatment won’t be effective. During laser hair reduction, a laser can damage 30% of the hair at once because it is in the early Anagen phase. Moreover, Anagen hair is ideal for laser therapy because melanin can be found only in Anagen hair. Simultaneously, around 10% to 15% of the hair could be either in Catagen or Telogen phase, which means laser therapy needs to be taken for several months to cover as many hair follicles in the Anagen stage. Laser hair reduction is effective when the concerned hairs have a high concentration of chromophores. On the other hand, thin or fine hairs are a bad choice for laser therapy because they have less pigment.

Make sure to consult your doctor, so that you can know the number of times laser therapy is required to ensure an even reduction of your body hairs.

Are there any side effects of laser hair removal?

In reality, there are no side effects of laser hair reduction. Generally, after laser therapy, one can spot little redness in the perifolliculitis (inflammatory cells in the skin around hair follicles) once the heat damages the hair root. It’s actually a good sign as it proves that the hair is damaged. In other words, there are no side effects of laser therapy for hair reduction. Moreover, when laser therapy is done by an experienced medical practitioner and with a good device, the chances of any side effects are reduced to nil at that moment.

Is it a permanent solution to unwanted hairs?

Yes, it’s a permanent solution to reduce unwanted body hair to a maximum extent. However, in the later years, if the body experiences any hormonal stimulation or experiences stimulation because of any other reasons, body hair can grow again. Also, many body hairs remain that have not grown yet and may grow at a later stage. In that case, one should consider laser hair reduction to get rid of those hairs.

Wondering how many times you need to get laser therapy for hair reduction?

Well, there are two schools of thought when it comes to the number of times laser therapy should be taken for hair reduction. The first one believes that one should get 6 sittings in a month for effective results. The second school of thought believes that a person should wait till the maximum hair arrives at the early Anagen phase before considering the next laser therapy for hair reduction. It is wise to wait for maximum hair to grow because frequent laser therapy damages the hair root. And, with damaged hair roots, laser therapy becomes ineffective because it cannot absorb the laser heat.

Final Thoughts:

To cut a long story short, laser hair reduction is the best process to get rid of unwanted body hair. It offers a permanent solution and has no side effects. Besides, with laser hair reduction you can save money and time that goes into repeated appointments and the hassles of waxing, tweezing, threading and other alternative body hair removal methods. Finally, if you are searching for the best place for best laser hair removal in Faridabad, visit Twachaa by Saraswat. They have the best doctors and medical practitioners, state-of-the-art equipment, and amazing facilities that offer a pleasant experience to people seeking laser therapy to remove unwanted body hairs.

1 reply on “Does Laser Hair Removal Have Side-Effects? Ask the Experts”

Amazing write-up! Didn’t know there were so many advantages to getting laser hair reduction. I’m surely booking a laser hair reduction appointment next time.

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