When is the Best Time to Opt for Acne Treatment in Gurgaon?

In case you are suffering from the occasional pimple seen on your face, you can easily conceal it, or give it time so that it can go away. However, there are severe forms of acne seen in both teenagers and adults that refuse to go away, even with time. If at all they do fade away, the scars that they leave on the face are impossible to get rid of or hide, even after using a lot of makeup. In such cases, you must always visit the best doctors for acne scar treatment in Gurgaon. 

Acne Treatment in Gurgaon

What are the Most Common Types of Acne?

The term ‘breakout’ has often been used to describe all forms of acne, but more often than not, it isn’t an accurate description of the exact type. Acne is associated with fluctuations in the hormones, especially during the teenage years, and when left untreated, can also take a severe form in adults. Clogged pores, excess sebum production, dead skin cells, ingrown hair, and bacteria can also cause acne. Depending on the inflammatory and non-inflammatory type, the most common types of acne include:

  1. Cysts/Cystic Acne
  2. Nodules/Nodular Acne
  3. Pustules/Pustular Acne
  4. Papules
  5. Whiteheads
  6. Blackheads

You might also have several types of acne at one time, some of which might be severe enough for you to immediately opt for acne treatment in Gurgaon (Gurugram).

What is the Best Time to Visit a Doctor for Acne Treatment?

So, now you know the common forms of acne, it is important to be aware of the correct time to see a specialist. Here is a list of things you need to take note of when suffering from acne as you are dealing with the severity of the problem:

  1. Drugstore treatments don’t help: The initial response to any condition is opting for non-prescription treatment from drugstores. Mostly, these products contain several acids that aim to clear up the skin, but when you see the condition shows no sign of improvement – it is time to visit professionals. 
  1. Medication side-effect: You may have had clear skin for the longest time in your life, but you have recently started consuming medicines for anxiety or depression, and are noticing breakouts. Well, you can visit professionals if this is the case, and they will help clear the breakout and change the prescription, in the process. 

Active acne formation can be extremely irritating, but what affects the self-esteem more are the stubborn acne marks which refuse to leave your skin even after applying several layers of makeup. Visiting experts would ensure your skin gets cleared up.

Top Questions Asked by an Expert before Acne Treatment

As you choose the ideal doctor for acne scar treatment Gurgaon (Gurugram), you need to be prepared to answer a thorough questionnaire about your condition. Questions that the doctors might ask you during the first consultation include:

  1. When did you see the first signs of acne?
  2. Has the acne gotten worse with time?
  3. How many treatments did you subject yourself to?
  4. Is the acne scarring affecting your social life?

Taking this opportunity, you need to always ask the surgeon about everything you have in mind regarding the treatment before moving forward with the same.

Why Visit the Professionals at Twachaa by Saraswat?

Twachaa by Saraswat is a centre led by two of the most sought after aestheticians in the country who perform customized acne scar treatment Gurgaon (Gurugram). With over 17 years of experience in the field and certification of several international boards, the doctors are assisted by a team of specialized professionals through all surgeries and treatments. 

As the Chief Clinical Cosmetologist of the clinic, Dr Preeti Saraswat is an MBBS with a Post Graduate Diploma degree in Clinical Cosmetology from the University of Greifswald, Germany. She has a lifetime membership of the Indian Association of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons and is also a member of the Indian Medical Association, ensuring that she stays updated with all the latest developments in the field.

As the Medical Director of the clinic, Dr Satya Saraswat is an MBBS with an MS, M.Ch, and DNB in Plastic Surgery. He has been honoured with a Gold Medal for his outstanding achievements in the field of medicine. He specializes in cleft lip, palate, and hair restoration surgeries and is also a member of several international boards, providing the best and most customized services to the patients. 

Conclusion: Active acne and acne scarring are two of the most stubborn conditions that leave a visible result on the way you look, thereby attacking your self-confidence directly. Twachaa by Saraswat has a team of experts who deal with such acne treatment in Gurgaon (Gurugram) by utilizing modern technology, customized according to your skin concerns. In case you want to know more, feel free to book a consultation at info@twachaa.com

1 reply on “When is the Best Time to Opt for Acne Treatment in Gurgaon?”

Acne is one of the most irritating conditions faced by a lot of men and women of today’s time, and there is practically no cure for the same if you look at only drugstore products. The fact that not much has been spoken about other alternatives has always triggered me. This blog came as a breath of fresh air as it helped me decide the course of action that I would have to follow to get my acne treated by special doctors. The fact that this article told me when to visit the best doctor and who would be the best in India made it all the more relatable. I would highly recommend this blog to all my peers suffering from the condition.

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