A hair transplant surgery is performed to cover an area on the head that thinning or balding. The surgery is a permanent solution for hair loss, as it uses natural hair follicles from the patient’s healthy donor site to implant on the recipient area. At Twachaa by Saraswat, ABHRS-certified doctors perform FUT and FUE hair transplant in Gurgaon with a high success rate. In this blog, we will discuss hair transplant surgeries in detail, including types of methods, expenses, recovery, and more.
How Does It Work?
To put it simply, a hair transplant procedure extracts hair follicles from your donor area and implants them to the area where you do not have hair. Generally, the side and back of the head are the donor areas, but hair can also be taken from other parts of your body. Before starting the procedure, the area is numbed using local anaesthesia. Once the surgery is over, you can go home immediately.
How Much It Costs?
The cost of hair transplant depends on several factors, such as consultation and trichoscopy, the extent of the transplant, cost per graft multiplied by the number of grafts required, the hair transplant method chosen, credibility and experience of the surgeon, the team performing the procedure, and equipment used for the surgery. You may visit a hair transplant clinic to know about the exact expenses.
Types of Methods
There are several types of hair transplant methods, such as:
FUT Hair Transplant: In a FUT hair transplant in Gurgaon, a strip bearing healthy hair follicles is removed from the donor area of the patient. The strip is then slivered under a special microscopic device to extract the individual follicular unit grafts for implantation. Afterwards, the donor area is closed skilfully by trichophytic closure to minimise the scar.
FUE Hair Transplant: The FUE method involves the extraction of individual grafts from the donor area and then transplanting them to the recipient area. This is performed using a low-torque low RPM punch excision device. The technicians then segregate the grafts into groups for best results are the surgery.
Long Hair Transplant: Long hair transplant is ideal for those who do not want to shave their head for a hair transplant, or suffer from post-burn Alopecia. In this method, long hair grafts are extracted with an implanter and a lateral punch device. Also known as a non-shaven method, this procedure shows immediate visible results.
Body Hair Transplant: A body hair transplant is required when the patient does not have hair on the side or back of their head to use for transplantation. In this procedure, healthy grafts are extracted from other parts of the body. The most common areas are the chest, back, abdomen, arms, and legs.
Repair Hair Transplant: A patient needs a repair hair transplant when they have undergone a hair transplant surgery already but it did not work for some reason, leaving them with a defective hairline, FUT scars, or wrong angulation and density. Common reasons behind this include dried grafts, incapable storing of follicles, graft depth and handling before the procedure.
Hair transplant is not a major surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed using local anaesthesia. It means that you can go home as soon as the surgery is over. The recovery only takes a few days and then the patient is free to do their daily chores. However, it is important to stay away from strenuous activities like weightlifting for at least a week. Depending on your condition, your doctor may prescribe pain medications, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories.
Which Doctors Should You Choose for a Hair Transplant Procedure?
For a successful hair transplant, you must choose your hair transplant surgeon carefully. Twachaa by Saraswat in Gurgaon is the best option in India if you want to undergo the surgery. The clinic is run by American Board certified doctors with more than 17 years of experience.
Dr Satya Kumar Saraswat is an MBBS, MS, M.Ch, and DNB in plastic surgery. Specialising in all types of hair restoration surgeries, he has done more than 7000 charitable surgeries in his career. In 2007, he was awarded a gold medal by the Health Minister of India for his achievements in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery.
Dr Preeti Saraswat is an MBBS and PGDCC from the University of Greifswald, Germany. She is highly skilled in scalp micropigmentation, with over 7 years of experience. A diplomate of ABHRS, she is also a member of ISHRS and AAAM.
Conclusion: If you are interested in a hair transplant, then it is better to book an appointment at a hair transplant clinic for a consultation. Twachaa by Saraswat is the best hair transplant clinic in Gurgaon that offers a wide range of hair transplant solutions to patients. Feel free to get in touch with the team of Twachaa by Saraswat to know more.
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